• Extinguishers with pure extinguishing agent are suitable for extinguishing technical and technological equipment containing electronic elements, e.g. server rooms, data switchboards, telecommunication equipment, etc.
  • The use of extinguishers with a clean extinguishing agent does not damage delicate mechanical and electronic components.

Technical data/Extinguisher type




Extinguishing agent

HFC 236fa (hexafluoropropane)

HFC 236fa (hexafluoropropane)

HFC 236fa (hexafluoropropane)

Quantity of extinguishing agent

2 kg

4 kg

6 kg

Extinguishing ability




hasici pristroje

T2F, T4F, T6F extinguishers are subject to Regulation (EU) 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on fluorinated greenhouse gases

The service life of T2F, T4F, T6F fire extinguishers is 20 years.

EAF protect s.r.o. is now manufacturing and marketing new T4N and T6N portable fire extinguishers with the 3MTM NovecTM 1230 pure extinguishing agent from 2021. The product line is certified according to ČSN EN 3-7+A1 by Strojírenský a zkušební ústav, s.p. Brno.

The 3MTM NovecTM 1230 extinguishing agent is a new environmentally friendly replacement for halon and fluorocarbon-based extinguishers, has excellent performance (ODP = 0, GWP = 1, AL = 5 days), and does not damage the Earth's ozone layer or cause global warming.

Technical data/Extinguisher type



Extinguishing agent

3MTM NovecTM 1230

3MTM NovecTM 1230

Quantity of extinguishing agent

4 kg

6 kg

Extinguishing ability



T4N, T6N extinguishers are not subject to Regulation (EU) 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on fluorinated greenhouse gases. The service life of T4N, T6N fire extinguishers is 20 years.